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Page 7
Damn it!
It was wrong and he knew it. Trust was such an important thing, but he needed help. He’d made his move. It hadn’t totally backfired, but now they were at a standstill. His impatience was fueling him, causing him to be reckless.
Mick bent over and quickly grabbed the top book.
Marred and Scarred.
The book wasn’t as worn as the other. Mick sat down, leafing through the pages. His eyes scanned over the print. Seeing the word breast had him pausing. His eyes reverted back, taking him to where he needed to start.
“No one will see,” Lee whispered, gently coaxing her. Kate became lost in his eyes, her body weightless with desire. She couldn’t feel the floor of the large in-ground pool that dominated Lee’s backyard. The chlorinated water beaded off his chest, colliding with his personal fragrance. He smelled like a waterfall. Kate looked down at Lee’s cock. It was so hard it floated, bobbing in the water like a twitching marionette.
Lee’s hands cupped her breasts, squeezing them hard.
“Ah,” Kate moaned.
“God, I wanna fuck you so hard. Right here in the water. Let’s make some high-tide waves in this pool. Say yes,” Lee hissed, his fingers pinching her nipples.
Kate lifted her feet, her body buoyant. She wrapped her legs around his waist, crossing her ankles behind his back.
“That’s it,” Lee gasped as he steered them through the water.
Lee directed them to the stairs in the shallow end. He’d left the house dark, his housekeeper gone for the day.
Kate strained her eyes, trying to see through the darkness. Rainbow rings of light surrounded the outdoor lamppost of a nearby neighboring house.
“On your knees,” Lee ordered, his tone gruff and hard.
Kate’s knees began to tremble as she climbed the stairs, resting her hands and knees on the rough concrete. Her feet dangled off the edge, grazing the surface of the temperate water. The night air chilled her skin.
Lee’s hands petted her ass, slipping between her thighs as he fondled her from behind. “Spread your legs wider,” he said, his request a raspy whisper.
Kate shifted her weight.
Lee’s hands skimmed up and over her spine, pressing on the small of her back. “Give me a good arch.” His breaths huffed on her flesh.
Her heart raced at full throttle, her body an engine winding out at maximum speed. Kate curved her spine, knowing her ass was now raised into the air as if ready to feed him her goods.
“So damn hot,” Lee growled. When his fingers lightly traced down the crease of her ass and dipped into the folds of her pussy, her body reared back. Her neck stretched, her head angled toward the dark sky. Her anguished cries rose into the air, calling out into the tranquil night around them.
“Lee!” she gasped. Kate’s body began to shake, anticipating his next move.
“Christ,” Lee released a gusty breath. “This is going to be so good,” he said, his voice rough with need.
His teeth nipped the cheeks of her ass. Electric current zapped through her body. His palm caressed her ass lovingly. Slick, warm wetness tickled between her legs from behind.
“Oh,” Kate flinched.
“Take it easy. This is spectacular,” Lee chuckled. “I’m going to gorge on some beautiful pussy right here under the moonlight.” His mouth landed on her hard, sampling her. Kate’s eyes flew open as she gawked into the blackness, unable to see what was going on. Lee’s lips drew in on her clit, his teeth teasing her again.
“Oh my God!” Kate screeched.
“Mm,” Lee hummed into her sensitive tissues. “Nice.” His tongue went to work, slithering through her folds. He meticulously soaked her walls as a brush would a canvas. One finger slipped inside her, prodding deep, hooking onto that delectable spot.
Kate’s fingers curled. The concrete scraped the pads of her palms. There was nothing to hold onto. Her world tipped, riding the delicious sensations of Lee’s mouth. He abruptly put on the brakes. The warmth of his mouth left her.
Water sloshed behind her as he rose to his feet. Lee gripped her hips and guided her back, descending Kate back down into the water. The balminess of the pool water met her skin, reaching her thighs.
Her thoughts whirled. Her body soared on Lee’s tailored pleasure, wanting more of his wondrous technique. Kate was so immersed in the feeling that when Lee’s cock sliced into her from behind, her teeth hit. Her body bucked, every joint flinching in reaction. His hips butted into her, splitting her in two, cutting right through her with a yearning Kate had never felt before.
“Yeah. I’m right here.” Mick leapt off the bed and spun on his feet. His head reeled for a minute. He carefully placed the book in the bottom of Cara’s pack.
“You want to let me in? My hands are kind of full.” Cara’s voice reached through the door, a barrier Mick was thankful he had. He bolted to the door, squeezing his dick hard, gritting his teeth. These books are worse than illegal drugs. Mick yanked his shirt out of his jeans, allowing it to blouse over his groin.
“I’m coming,” he answered quickly.
Two more paragraphs and you would’ve been.
Chapter Nineteen
“Where are you headed?” Cara asked. She sat down in one of the plastic chairs outside the door of their room. A damp breeze blew down the sidewalk. The temperature had dropped, reminding one that spring hadn’t yet arrived. The sky was granite gray with a weak sun attempting to burn through.
“There’s an ad for manual labor in Point Pleasant. They need to get things up and running before the summer tourist season starts,” he told her, rolling up the paper and stuffing into his back pocket. “What about you?”
“The real estate office up the street here is looking for someone to clean the rentals before they open for the season,” Cara said, biting into a granola bar.
They both had found promising ads in the local paper Cara had picked up the day before.
She’d also gotten some decent staples at the small grocer in town. Along with a small French press coffee pot, she’d purchased some snacks, a few cans of tuna, peanut butter and jelly, and a loaf of bread.
“I guess we’ll meet back here, then?” Mick downed the last of his coffee. “You going to be all right?” he asked.
“Yeah. The office is right up the road,” Cara informed him.
“We’ll save time and better our chances if we work separately,” Mick said, his gaze more direct this morning. “Not bad for an eight-dollar plastic gizmo.” He peered down into his cup.
Cara had made the coffee with hot tap water, but it was better than nothing. They really needed to watch their money. The room was cheap but until they had more money coming in, they needed to keep their spending in check.
“Did I score with the plastic gizmo?” Cara smiled. She really needed him to lighten up. Should they dissect the kiss? Evaluate what it really meant? As time created distance between them and the event, it didn’t feel so puzzling. There were other concerns that they needed to address. So far, they continued to work as a team, and that’s what they needed from one another.
“It’s a hit,” Mick said, his tone low. His stare worked through her, rattling her insides. She shook off an apprehension that seemed to resurface whenever he looked at her that way. What way it was exactly Cara had yet to figure out.
Mick ran a palm over his head. His hair was the longest she’d ever seen it. Thick, dark strands now began to cover his head, grazing the edges of his ears and hanging over his brows. “I may try to snag a haircut today, too,” he said. “I’ll catch you later then, back here,” he nodded. “Don’t forget your key.”
Cara sat back in her chair and watched him walk down the street. Mick’s body moved with a certain type of swagger. It reminded her of home. Would people know that they were from an inner city area? Was she stereotyping? Sometimes it was hard not to because of where they came from.
They’d been stereotyped by outsiders all their lives.
Mick was no thug, but he had that hard edge to him. It was an edge they had needed while growing up in The Hollow. Hopefully over time, and after they settled in, they’d become comfortable with their new location. Then maybe that hardened defense mechanism would fall away, eroded by the promise of a brighter future.
“I have twenty properties that I need to get into shape,” Todd Conway told her. “Do have any prior experience?”
“Ah,” Cara stumbled. Her mind raced, feeling like she’d botched this up already. Ken’s brother had made it so easy for them, landing them the job at tavern. Todd’s voice plowed through her thoughts.
“Do you have any references?” He asked. Cara shook her head, admitting defeat.
“I’m sorry. I’m unprepared. I didn’t mean to waste your time.” Cara rose from her chair. Todd waved her back into her seat.
“Sit. You look like an honest person. I know because of the recent storm people are scrambling, needing work. I like your honesty. I respect it,” Todd said, smiling. “How’s fifteen an hour.”
Cara tried to conceal her surprise. Conway Reality dealt with primarily summer rentals. Todd needed to get his homes cleaned and ready for his tenants. It was evident that he needed someone he could count on. She’d obviously shown him that by being straight forward and honest with him right from the start.
“I’m ready when you are,” Cara said, not wanting to look too eager.
Todd turned his back and rummaged through a filing cabinet. The office was small and cluttered. Stacks of binders sat on the floor against the opposite wall. A large map of several shore counties hung above. Cara noted the red tacks. They seemed to be in the same clustered area, but miles were measured in inches on a map. On foot it could be a challenge. She didn’t allow that thought to deter her. She could make a lot of money in a short time.
Todd wanted his properties ready by May first. All his houses but four were already rented for the upcoming summer. He explained that all her needed supplies were at each residence.
“Some stuff may be stored in the laundry rooms. For others, just check the closets. If you have a problem, you can give me a call.” He pointed to the stack of cards on his desk. Cara removed one and tucked it in her pocket.
A bookcase leaned to one side, rebelling against a weight it wasn’t made to hold. She waited patiently while Todd searched through files that were crammed and bulging.
He faced her, handing her a map. He then dug through a desk drawer and pulled out a large key ring, each key color-coded.
“The highlighted addresses on the map are color-coded and here are the keys that match each dwelling. Whatever you do … please don’t forget to lock up. We’ve had a lot of trouble with looting because of Hurricane Sandy,” he said, his mouth pursed in disapproval.
“I’ll make sure,” Cara assured him.
“Do you have transportation?” Todd asked, moving toward the door of his office.
Cara didn’t flinch. This job was too good to pass up. She’d figure something out.
“I can take care of that,” Cara told him, rising from her chair. She extended her hand. “Thank you so much.”
“Paydays are Fridays, of course. I’ll need for you to call in your hours by 2 p.m. on Thursdays. Just stop in on Fridays by five and Peggy will have your check out front for you. It was nice meeting you, Cara,” he said, still holding her hand. Cara politely disentangled hers from his, though she’d prompted the gesture. Sea-blue eyes gazed down at her, Todd’s height towering above.
“Thanks again.” Cara smiled as Todd opened the office door and waved her back out into the reception area.
After introducing herself to Peggy, who managed the office, Cara headed back to The Beachcomber. Todd had told her to start next week, so this gave her time to scope out the addresses and fix her transportation problem if she could. Cara had the feeling she may be doing plenty of walking.
By the time she arrived, Mick had beaten her back and was gracing her with a freshly shaved head. Though she’d been curious how he’d look with locks framing his face, Mick’s features alone, minus the hair, were all he needed to appeal to the opposite sex.
Did I just think that? About Mick?
The kiss played over in her mind once more, the feel of his mouth on hers, his tongue and how he tasted her. He’d done something extraordinary to her body. It had spoken that night, and in a way it’d never spoken before. That kiss had stoked a flame inside of her. Did she want him to fan it some more? Did she want to feel those sensations again? And with Mick?
A shiver ran up her spine, burning through her body. Mick’s body had been a hard wall of heat, like a warming stone that radiated steady heat that never cooled.
Mick tipped back in his chair, balancing on two legs as he rocked back and forth. Cara waved, only seeing the glare of a muted sun bounce off his sunglasses. His mouth eased into a full grin, telling her that his jaunt had been just as successful.
Chapter Twenty
“It’s a lot of walking,” Mick said. He squinted at her, fighting off the glare of a descending sun. “Damn good job, though.” He grinned, giving her a playful nudge.
They strolled along the cool sand, leaving their shoes at the gate. The beach was a mere seven blocks from the motor inn.
Mick had landed a job in Point Pleasant, doing restoration in a deli that had suffered extensive storm damage.
“God, it’s so nice here,” Mick sighed, gazing out into the sloshing sea. Gold rays bled across the water, the horizon slowly dimming. Whitecaps overturned, pushing a forceful tide up onto the shore.
“It is.” Cara snuck in a look at his profile. Mick’s face was smooth, his cheeks recently shaved. He was calm and relaxed. Cara welcomed this mood. At times back home he’d been frustrated, his features tight with anger and resentment. This was a refreshing side, one she liked and hoped would stay. When his hand grabbed for hers, tugging her down toward the waterline, her mind cramped, her thoughts scurrying.
His fingers squeezed hers as the frigid water crashed over their feet.
“Whoa,” she laughed. “That is cold.”
“I can’t wait to swim here and taste the salt. Better yet … why wait?” Mick said, bending over. He trailed his fingers through the water, lifting them to his mouth. One of his finger’s disappeared between his lips.
Cara’s skin grew warm, her palm moist within his grasp.
“Here. Taste it.” The tip of his finger traced the edges of her lips, his eyes locked with hers in a visual hold that had Cara’s mind careening in panic. “Lick your lips,” he whispered. “This is home.”
Cara slid her tongue over her upper lip, tasting the briny salt. Her palate responded, her mouth salivating.
“Isn’t it good?” Mick pulled her closer, their bare feet skidding through the damp, gritty sand. Their hips hit. Mingled breaths wafted between them.
Blond strands of hair blew across her face and neck, lifting in the sea breeze. Her sweet brown eyes watered in the wind, blinking at him. Tonight was the night. It had to be. Everything was coming together, and so were they. Mick was not waiting any longer.
Lee, the hero from her book, was crowding his brain. Mick could be as good as fiction. He’d read and researched. Mick was sure he knew what Cara wanted. Now all he needed to do was make it happen for her. He, Mick Terrel, wanted to be her fantasy, not some conjured-up guy within the pages of a book.
He boldly snaked his hand around her neck, guiding her lips to his. He kept moving. Mick wanted no hesitation. He angled his face and shut his eyes, hearing her breath hitch.
Her mouth was loose and pliable. Mick tasted her, his senses on overload. Heat raced up his legs, settling in his groin and he squirmed, feeling his boxers fill, all manly parts on alert.
When Mick felt the warmth of her silky tongue touch his, he moaned into her throat, unable to contain himself.
is other hand slowly slid up and over her ribs, resting below the swell of her breast. Her mouth pressed a bit more against his, an urgent firmness that appeared to match his. Internal elation made him bold. Mick inched further with his exploration.
Salty sea wind whirled around them. Mick painted her teeth with his tongue, relishing every drop of her. Deciding to err on the side of caution, he slowly stepped back, cupping her face.
A pair of sleepy eyes opened, her mouth still a loose pucker. The sea spoke around them, an oscillating infinity that mirrored every thought and idea Mick had ever had of her.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
Cara’s eyes narrowed against the balmy gusts of wind. She raised a hand, the tip of her finger stroking his cheek. His body ached, wishing and wanting for so much more of her.
“I’m hungry,” she said, shrugging through a nervous laughter.
So am I!
“I think a pizza’s in the budget,” Mick said, taking her hand in his.
“Sounds great.”
Chapter Twenty-One
Awareness moved around them. It was hard for Cara to ignore and difficult to dodge, following their second close encounter. Her limbs were shaky and unable to support her. Any questions she’d had were now multiplied, overcrowding an already active mind.
Later, after dinner, she decided to do some laundry, needing to keep busy. Mick lay on the bed, tracking her as Cara moved about the room.
Once she had their clothes stuffed inside a pillowcase, she stood idly at the door.
“Going somewhere?” he asked, sounding somewhat shrewd. He laced his fingers behind his neck, his feet crossed at the ankles.
“Laundry… I thought I’d do some,” she told him, trying to keep the edge out of her voice.
Mick waved at her from his bed.
“Okay … see ya,” he said, smiling.